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What Auto Insurance Coverages are Necessary to Protect Me in Pennsylvania?

  1. Many times a client injured in a car accident will come into my office and tell me they are fully protected and have “full coverage”. I look at their insurance policy and see that they have liability coverage and collision coverage but also “Limited Tort”, as opposed to “Full Tort” coverage. They say their agent told them they have full coverage but this is quite misleading. Do not make the mistake of signing away your Full Tort coverage or you may not be able to file a claim for your injuries AT ALL. If you want further information and details about the meaning of “Full Tort” call (215) 576-5150 or go to and request a copy of our free book called “The PA Accident Book:Five Deadly Sins that can Wreck your Injury Claim” The book explains the reasons you DO NOT WANT to purchase Limited Tort regardless of the fact that it is less expensive. It just isn't worth the risk!

  2. Many people in PA and elsewhere are driving vehicles with NO INSURANCE or too little insurance to protect you if they hit and injure you. You need UNINSURED and UNDERINSURED Motorist Coverage. Of course it is illegal to drive without insurance, but many feel that if they don't get caught (or in an accident) why purchase it? There is very little enforcement of the law requiring drivers to have insurance. Why take a chance? Others purchase the cheapest auto policy they possibly can. You know what the mimimum coverage is in PA? $15,000 per person/ $30,000 per incident. If you were seriously injured by an underinsured driver with a $15,000 policy, would you be “made whole”? I don't think so. You need to protect yourself and your family by purchasing Underinsured Motorist coverage. Both of these coverages are very inexpensive compared to the basic liability coverage. Call your agent today and ask to buy these two critical coverages.

  3. This is a fact cited in a report on “Affordability and Availability of Auto Insurance in Southeastern PA”, as reported by the Legislative Budget and Finance Committee. Are you shocked by this? I certainly was. I have the highest Uninsured Motorist Coverage policy limit my company will sell me. I do not ever want to be the victim of the one out of thirteen! You need to call your agent and purchase the following immediately:

    1. Full Tort

    2. Uninsured Motorist Coverage (the highest limit you can afford)

    3. Underinsured Motorist Coverage (the highest limit you can afford)

    Every week we hear from clients we CAN”T represent because they did not purchase these critical insurance coverages. Don't be foolish-call your agent today.

Additional resources provided by the author

For additional information, check “The PA Accident Book: Five Deadly Sins that can Wreck your Injury Claim” or go online to


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